February was full of snow. So much snow that I had to excavate my car far more frequently than I would have anticipated, and much more so than last year. Punxsutawney Phil said more winter and winter said, “Sure!” It was very relaxing to watch the snowfall down outside the window with my cats on the radiator. Thankfully, this is not my first snow rodeo so I am well aware of how to deal with it and dealt with it just fine.

My goals for this month were to get a third of the way through my rewrite of The Avis Initiative and to also continue streaming every Saturday to play Minecraft on my Twitch.tv channel. With the exception of this past Saturday, that has been true! I even did some fun makeup for when I streamed on my cat Phoebe’s birthday that overlapped with my stream schedule. I, unfortunately, had a minor car accident in a hospital parking lot (I backed into someone's car in my blind spot, major oops, not gonna lie I ugly sobbed once the cops came) last Friday and didn't feel up to streaming the next day. Unfortunately, most of my time I wanted to devote to The Avis Initiative was spent looking for work.
Media of the Month

Different Creative Non-Fiction Essays
(my favorite one so far is “Fall Out Boy Forever” by Hanif Abdurraquib from They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us)
Lots of AO3
Digimon Adventure (2020)
Missing 411 Missing 411: The Hunters
Minecraft Omori Solitaire
Featured Creator/Business of the Month
In other news, someone kindly reached out and made me aware of a fantastic article that has an entire library of Black-owned businesses that can use the support especially during this pandemic time where small businesses are struggling intensely, and, naturally, to continue supporting after the world "goes back to normal." Curious about how small businesses I've been attached to were faring, I looked up some of my favorite businesses back in Savannah, Georgia (where I last lived for college) to find that many of them have been forced to close their doors. I've now been thinking about featuring different small creators/business owners in my monthly updates, so watch this space in the future!

Goals for March
I've been dragging my heels a bit on rewriting The Avis Initiaive and establishing a schedule I can stick to for my writing goals. I've had another book idea, one that I feel could work fantastically for my creative writing MFA thesis. This year I need to decide on which novel I want to make my thesis and do so sooner than later considering I want to sign up for that class in the fall. Therefore, I want to get at least a solid first draft out before then to take advantage of both Camp NaNoWriMo's in the summer. But let's reel back to March's goals before I get too far ahead of myself: I want to establish both a reliable plan of action for my creative goals and finish a working outline for the new project, which would be a YA paranormal thriller.
I hope y'all continue to stay safe and make some good out there! See you next month!